
Happy Employees at Boyett, Part 1

According to experts, Americans will spend one third of their adult life at work. That is a lot of time for workers to spend away from family and friends. We all realize we need to work. One, we need money to survive. Two, our work makes the overall American economy hum. 

We’ve all read the headlines recently about “The Great Resignation.” This is where employees have resigned their jobs because of overwork and unhappiness in the past couple of years. More recently, “Quiet Quitting” has apparently become all the rage. Quiet Quitting is where employees either are going to do just the bare minimum of their jobs or they are going to do forty hours of work and not look at their work or emails, texts, etc, outside of work hours. 

Here at Boyett Petroleum, we’re happy to report that we have not experienced employees resigning en masse due to The Great Resignation. Also, we encourage our employees to strike a good work/life balance, so we want them to Quiet Quit at the end of their workday! 

We know our employees must spend a lot of their life at work and we try to make work an enjoyable experience for them. But rather than us tell you all about it, we thought we’d let our employees share their stories with you: 

“I feel truly blessed and grateful for the opportunity to work for this company. I work at Boyett because it is a great place to work, and as a student, I have managed work and kept up with my assignments in school as our offices are blocks from the college. My management team is very approachable and supports my academic goals. Boyett even has an educational reimbursement program and scholarships. I am proud to work for a company that does much for the community, schools, and our kids. Our employer cares about the employees, continuously demonstrates employee appreciation, and regularly plans terrific events for us. Plus, there are fantastic opportunities for growth, development, and advancement.” -Rachel Cisneros 

“Boyett Petroleum has a strong family atmosphere with a genuine camaraderie between owners, management, and employees. We have a “work hard; play hard” vibe and I truly believe that each and every employee is valued and recognized for all the work that is done. We are so spoiled by company lunches, family picnics, activities, sporting events, etc. to let us all know how appreciated we are.” – Alicia Paine

“I love working for Boyett Petroleum, because of the great company culture. Boyett Petroleum cares about their employees and their community, and I’m proud to be a part of such a respectable company.” – Samantha Falk 

“I love working at Boyett because it feels like home. I have been here for almost 18 years. Our management team is the best as are my coworkers. Boyett will take care of us and I know if I have a real need it will be met. I also appreciate that the social aspects that keep us more close knit.” – Kim Castillo 

 “I (along with many others) have been given the opportunity to grow within the company after starting as the receptionist. Who would have guessed that taking that position 8 and a half years ago, would have somehow led me to my dream job? We are constantly reminded that we are appreciated with all the fun activities that get planned for us on a consistent basis. I know I have people who believe in me, allowing me to entertain and often follow through on ideas I have for our retail stores.” – Lindsay London

“I love working at Boyett Petroleum, because I am surrounded by a great working environment, and coworkers. I am lucky because my coworkers have now become my friends, and we get to do fun things in and out of the office, and it just brings us all closer together as a little work family!” – Brette Mower

We’re so happy these employees are happy in their jobs and are proud to work at Boyett Petroleum.

Boyett Delivers Fuel at the Best Price to Cruisers Gas Stations

Boyett Petroleum supplies its own Cruisers gasoline stations by buying fuel at the best price it can and delivering that gasoline in a timely manner. As an industry leader, Boyett thought they could extend that service and continue their tradition of providing excellent customer service to other station owners outside the Cruisers family.

Gas station owners, whether they own one station or a chain, have a lot to worry about. If owners can outsource buying fuel, they can focus on running their business.

Fuel is a commodity, and the price is constantly changing every hour of the day. It takes a lot of time and bandwidth to watch the price of fuel and make educated choices on when to buy and ship. This is where Boyett comes to the rescue of these station owners.  

Boyett comes to the rescue!

Boyett’s Inventory Management service acts as a fuel buying agent for the station owners’ benefit. Boyett negotiates directly with refiners and brokers to ensure these stations have the lowest fuel costs possible each day. In fact, their team is looking at that fuel price on electronic boards in the office and making calls on where the price of fuel is…sometimes down to the second.  

Then, the Boyett team ensures station owners’ fuel will get transported to their stations. Boyett makes sure this runs smoothly by reserving slots with trucking carriers.

Station owners don’t have to worry about hours of service and industry driver shortages. Boyett has done the worrying and with their negotiated carrier reservations slots, makes sure there are enough drivers, trucks, and tankers to handle the load.  

Interview with Mark Goularte

This author had a chance to sit down with Mark Goularte, head of Inventory Management for Boyett Petroleum.  

Mark let me know it’s not an easy job. “This is a 24/7 job, one that requires constant focus and attention to detail. With the price of fuel constantly changing, every little detail associated with the job is constantly changing as well. With the War in Ukraine raging on, the price of fuel has been very volatile lately, which has also made things more complicated in general.”

Mark doesn’t work alone. He’s got a team helping him out and he gave them a lot of credit. Mark says, “It takes about three months to train someone in all the little details that the whole job entails. A lot of things change…all the time. Employee stress and burnout are unfortunate byproducts of the industry. You’re dealing with a commodity where price is always fluctuating and you’re dealing with heavily regulated industries like gasoline and trucking on both a national and state level. There’s a lot of moving parts to any decision one makes at any given time. None of these potentially stressful additions to the job are Boyett issues; they’re industry issues.”

However, Mark talked a lot about how working for Boyett was different and unique in the industry…in a good way. Mark stressed that Dale Boyett cares about his employees and that Dale ran his company in an employee-appreciation focused way. In fact, Mark needed to cut our interview short to make the company-sponsored, on-site yoga session that day. That’s just one example of a positive, pro-employee activity that was taking place that week.

A positive company culture goes a long way with keeping people happy. Those small, daily and weekly company-sponsored activities make a difference when recruiting and keeping a team. Mark said, “When a good company culture starts from the top down, the whole company and his team feels the love and appreciates the good sentiments.”

The next time you fill up at a gas station, realize a lot of decisions have gone into buying and transporting that fuel before it hits the station. Chances are good that Boyett Petroleum was involved in that process.

Boyett Petroleum is a leader in extending their superior customer service to station owners through inventory management.